More than a year into President Andrés Manuel López Obrador's term, representatives of wind energy generation do not know the strategy to be followed in renewable energies and ask the Federal Government to provide certainty to the rules governing the sector. “The idea is that there should be clarity in the rules.
Domestic and foreign capital must have certainty that they will recover their investment,” said Leopoldo Rodriguez Olive, president of the Mexican Wind Energy Association (AMDEE). In this sense, he warned that “changing the rules could affect entire projects”. The industry representative indicated this in reference to the recent draft project promoted by the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE), which intends to restrict plants that operate under the self-supply scheme from adding new customers or load centers.
The AMDEE has not yet measured the monetary impact that this regulation would have on some companies in the industry.
Nava, Diana. Wind energy industry asks for clear rules to continue with investments. El Financiero. Retrieved from